Applying for the King Abdulaziz University Awards for Knowledge Excellence for faculty members and postgraduate students


The University Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research invites you to apply for the King Abdulaziz University Awards for Knowledge Excellence for faculty members and postgraduate students for the acadenic year 1442-2020 through the electronic portal of the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research.

Application link
 Awards will continue to be submitted until 19/5/1443-22/12/2021.

 The awards aim to advance graduate studies and scientific research at the university by raising the spirit of competition to improve research performance, appreciating and encouraging faculty members and graduate students who are conducting research, urging them to advance their university and society, as well as science in various fields of knowledge, and encouraging them to excel and innovate in scientific research.
 The prizes are:
 1- Publication award in (Nature) and (Science).
 2- Academic publication award for faculty members.
 3- Prize for Scientific Publication in Social Sciences.
 4- Best Researcher Award.
 5- Publication Award for University Students and Scholarships.
 6- The award for the best student in postgraduate studies.
 7- Best scholarship award.
 8- Distinguished Scientists Award at King Abdulaziz University.
 9- Citation Prize.
 10- Granting national, regional, and international prizes.
 11- Best College Award.
 12- Best research center.
 13- Technology Transfer and Industrial Model Development Award.
 14- Patent and Scientific Discoveries Award.
 15- Translation award.
 16- Authorship Award.
 17- Award for the best scientific department.
 18- Best Postgraduate Supervisor Award.
 19- Best PhD Thesis Award.
 These awards come as a result of an intellectual, knowledge and research product of faculty members and graduate students, and support from King Abdulaziz University to provide all requirements and means necessary to build research, creative and innovative capabilities for faculty members and graduate students.

Last Update
12/4/2021 5:11:15 PM