الملتقى العلمي الرابع لطلاب وطالبات <a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank"><a href="http://www.kau.edu.sa/Home.aspx" style="color:#0000FF;" target="_blank">جامعة الملك عبد العزيز</a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a>

أ. د. عدنان بن حمزة محمد زاهد


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate

       Praise be to Allah, the God and Master of the whole world, and Peace be upon His Prophet, the master of prophets and all the humankind.

       KAU's Vice Presidency for GSSR is honored to welcome our online visitors, emphasizing our keenness to provide visitors, i.e. faculty staff members, their assistants, researchers, students, and stakeholders with all needed to know about our sectors, applications forms of assistant professors and lecturers, excellence rewards, requirements and mechanisms of internal scholarship, joint supervision, scientific research awards, and other services.

      With the grace of Allah and then the efforts made by KAU's Vice Presidency GSSR staff members, we are able to take remarkable steps coping with our strategic plan for graduate studies and scientific research derived from KAU's Strategic Plan to enhance scientific research and raise the level of graduate studies and excellence in scientific research. To this end, KAU's Vice Presidency for GSSR has introduced several initiatives to promote scientific research, i.e. increase the number of PhD programs, Highly-Cited Researcher Program, scientific research awards, international cooperation mechanism, and other new programs.

      We pray the Almighty Allah to sustain and support all and our endeavors, and to help us face challenging realities with domination of scientific logic to have the rank and position we target for KAU as (an international research university).

KAU's Vice President for GSSR

Prof. Yusuf Abdulaziz Al Turki

Last Update
10/11/2017 10:47:52 AM